The previous blog was a result of a wise person saying something that was rude enough to hurt us. A person who forgot how he crawled, the moment he started running. We always stood by him faithfully. We put up with his rather amateurish criticisms and never went behind his back. If there was ever an issue we would always confront him directly even if it meant getting into his bad books... even if it meant earning a bad reputation for ourselves from the people around us. His faults we hid and his strengths we highlighted while looking up towards him as a fatherly figure who was there for us as a friend when the path was too thorny and as a guiding light when the path was to dark. But I guess one can not always expect people to be grateful in return. I was too emotionally attached in the moment that nothing made sense. I guess we all have our emotional weaknesses that erupt at sometime or the other. If you are ever treated in a way that you do not deserve just let it go and play the “I don’t care” attitude. Coz it’s really not worth caring about. Happy endings, flying carpets, walls made of chocolate and crystal castles only exists in fairy tales. All of a sudden I feel like I have travelled about a decade behind in time. I have to admit that I’m pretty embarrassed about the absurdities and immaturity in some of the past blogs I’ve posted. I am not going to blog for some time from now onwards. Some things really lose their shine with time! Good bye dear blog and thanks for being there at times when no one really seemed to be around!
The age of AI is here...
5 weeks ago
Your blog turned up on my door step the other day full of tears and all. The bugger seemed pretty upset that you had gone off and says that it won’t survive the rough life on the Internet alone with the likes of hackers and other dangerous bloggers (like ‘you know who’ and the ‘one we do not speak of’).
Your blog wants you back soon… and wants us to do something!
But I mean… what am I to do? I don’t know how to explain it to your blog… what shall I say?
I'm back... I guess I never really left... Blog - I Love ya!
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