Friday, May 18, 2012

Life is an amusement park when you're married to the clown!

I may have met you 12 years ago,
but you still continue to amuse me...

I told him to remember two things
only two things...
'put the boiler off...
throw the garbage out...'

yesterday he remembered the boiler...
when i came home the garbage was not thrown
today he remembered the garbage...
but the boiler was still on

So I'm laughing....!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A great leap forward!

I'm excited about my new job. All those emotions and feelings keep coming to you when you just want to sleep or think about nothing at all. It is not just a new routine but a whole lifestyle change for me. Parting from Haroon is the greatest difficulty. He is attached. Needs us in his visual atmosphere. This will be hard on him. The good thing is that I can have him in the same building and I can check on him whenever I am free. I hope and pray that this new journey goes on well for me. Getting back to school for my masters is the next thing I'm looking forward to. When the children are both in school, hopefully I will be too and then I can be with them when they are home. The kids should not be neglected. That is my main motive. Everything good in me is what Allah gave me so yes I feel this everyday, we should be spending every moment of our days on our knees just thanking him for the blessings, for having normal children, for not having deadly diseases, for not being in a car crash, cos you know what? It could have been me!

Adios until I write again!

Monday, May 07, 2012

Some days are good some days are...

I can't imagine how it has been almost an year since I last posted. The little time I get online is expended on mail, business research, forums and social networking for da'wah. Da'wah is invitation. And the Invitation, is to Islam. My facebook group which just started with a handful of my friends and family members, has over the years grown to a 516 member global network. Many of them, I have never met. Since keeping the group updated by myself was becoming a tedious task, I have delegated part of the administration to a young sister in Malaysia who is doing a wonderful job of it Masha Allah. Some day, my group that shares good words, charity projects and global Islamic issues will be a self managed organization. Insha Allah.

So here are the things that have been occupying my mind lately. The ethnic conflict in my country is just heartbreaking. We Sinhalese and Muslims have lived in peace for many years but recently there has been some uproar within these communities. I grew up with Hindu, Christian, Buddhist and Muslim friends.... we were like siblings. Our different religions and ethnicity never got in the way. It deeply disheartens me to see my fellow brothers and sisters in so much agony over an uncontrollable factor such as a race that you are born into. Shouldn't we humans be way ahead? Shouldn't this energy be going into far more productive causes? We should be colonizing the moon by now, not quarrelling over land.

On a more personal note, my mother's illness has made me realise just how much we take for granted in life. Do we really pause to thank God from the bottom of our hearts for the numerous 'have's or do we complain about the 'havenot's. Having watched an episode of Indian Hospital, and being moved to the point of tears... my only prayer is that life for these victims becomes easier.... the wisdom of which is known only to the Almighty. I miss my dad ever so much. His wise words and caring gestures ring in my heart. I wish I was closer to home to take care of them. I wish my children had more family and grandparents. Speaking of which, both the kids got sick. I was the final catch. The fever is terrible. You dont feel like eating or doing anything, yet you are a mother and have to.

The children are growing too fast too keep count. Life is a roller coaster ride. So when my patient husband takes the time to listen attentively to my vents and then compliment and cheer me, we remind each other that some days are good and some days are just better because there is more to be thankful for, than we can ever know or count!

Inna Ma al Usri Yusra!
