Does family really love you or is it just a cliché? They have you, so they have to feed, educate and bring you to a satisfying living status. If it’s just duty and responsibility and nothing more, is there anything wrong with it or will it blemish the mental development of an individual. Love is a need like food – true. But for those who know not what it is, will it ever feel like a need?
Although a few cases are accidental most parents and families tend to want and love their children long before they are even concieved and it is not just something brought about by social pressure like most other things are. It is true and it is more than obligation and satisfaction.
The age of AI is here...
5 weeks ago
Love is a gift, not an obligation-taken from a movie--heard it, and that has stuck with me for a long time....
Well ! love is not an obligation mam. It just comes to u naturally when you care for another person or people. Most parents today doesn't have time today to look at their children but that does not mean they don't love them . after all they do everything to bulid a future for there children right? so i think love is the result of friendship ,caring and sharing and it is not an obligation . But one thing is 4 sure. If you don't want to love another person . You can do it very easily. !!!
the question was whether it comes naturally or not for parenting always?
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