Monday, August 28, 2006

100 Reasons why I may not smile at you sometimes

A smile is the cheapest way to improve your looks. A smile is curve that sets things straight. It takes barely a second from our busy schedules. Yeah yeah, been there – heard it all. But there are times that no matter how nice it is to smile you just don’t do it. Nobody thinks much about smiling at a funeral. So like all theories it is only applicable to certain scenarios. Yesterday, it was like I got stabbed right there in the heart when someone asked me straight why I don’t smile. Well, on the positive side it leaves me some subject for blogging. So I stayed back typing this up if it has any worth at all.

  1. When I’m walking about I am usually thinking about something too hard to concentrate on anyone around or to notice even things around – I know this is kind of selfish.
  2. Sometimes I’m thinking that I’m smiling when I actually am not – I know this kind of weird to imagine.
  3. Sometimes I think that people are smiling at someone behind m and I don’t smile in return to avoid getting embarrassed
  4. Sometimes I’m smiling all the time so there is no need to improve it when someone actually smiles at me.
  5. Sometimes I’m afraid to smile at people I don’t know - this is especially on the streets.
  6. I’m too stressed at times to smile.

I can’t think of 94 other reasons except for the fact that I know it is wrong and to those who are strong and kind enough to understand, I am very grateful. I will try my best to smile more often rather than waiting for it to come naturally.


Mahisha said...

"I will try my best to smile more often rather than waiting for it to come naturally."
When anyone smiles, i prefer it when it comes naturally... There is a big difference between a smile from a heart and that from the head. Also, i am pretty sure your friends alrealy undertand you, and accept you for who you are....

halwis said...

Like the well of tears... there ought to be the "well of smiles" also... I suppose... if you find that it runs dry sometimes, just dig deeper...
(and always remember the 24th commandment: Thou shalt fake anything (yes practically, literally, metaphorically and virtually anything...) but thou shalt never fake a smile!