Saturday, April 18, 2020

Of moments that were lost...

Between the husband, and myself we used to take turns to go tharaweeh at the Masjid because someone needed to stay home with the kids. Most of the times, I would pray at home and let him go the masjid but I remember there was this one night that I so badly wanted to go but my husband had already left and I had all the children with me. I remember packing them into the minivan. The youngest was the sleeping baby in the car seat that I had to carry into the masjid through a dark path. Somehow I felt like I needed to be there to pray with everyone even though it was incredible difficult for me with two sleeping toddlers, and two more to keep an eye on... I remember I was afraid that the little one will wake up and cry and disturb all the other worshippers. Whenever he cooed i regretted going... Little did I realize that, that night was going to be the last congregational tharaweeh for me for a long time to come. I feel so blessed and happy that I decided to go that night despite it being so hard for me. You never know when a missed opportunity would come back to haunt you so seize the moment, do your best. Praying that we make it to this blessed month.... praying that the world returns to more goodness than ever before.... Wishing you a tranquil Ramadan with the strongest thaqwa and iman! Duas for all!
Remember to be kind to kids and mums with kids in masjids if you ever get another chance!

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