Thursday, December 28, 2006

The Journey of a thousand miles

From the city of Pearls to Tamil Nadu – Chennai

In Golkonda we were able to see a sound and light show as they call it where the history of all the empires that reigned were outlined. The city of pearls looked nothing like pearls. It was so dusty that I had to have my face covered most of the time. Hyderabad is also said to be famous for its buriyani. Ironically for us fried rice seemed to be much tastier. The pearls were splendid.


In January 2004 I visited big brother India’s capital new Delhi. Today, almost three years later I have had the opportunity of getting a taste of the south of India for the first time.

There is so much of variety and differences that it is sometimes so hard to believe that all this is one country. Everything was so different from place to. From the colour of their skin to the language they spoke. Their attitudes and culture however did not vary very much. They were friendly and helpful people; sometimes waiting to get as much money out of you as possible. They take comparatively much less salt and sugar which was not very palatable for us. In tamil Nadu they speak tamil so we didn’t feel all that alien. However the tamil they speak drastically differs from what we speak.

Banglore, Myslre and Ooty

The difference between traveling in Sri Lanka and traveling in India is that a journey in Sri Lanka has a beginning, middle and an end. In India, the journey has a beginning, beginning and beginning. As you can see most of the pics are from a moving vehicle.

1 comment:

Mahisha said...

...Ohhh...managed to look at the pics only now!
cool :) The pics are lovely - not only that, the naming of them too ;)

All the very best for both of you for 07...