Tuesday, May 02, 2006

You should not be thinking these things:

You can never be that dream person you wanted to be

Everything that can be achieved has been achieved

There are no such things as dreams

If you rise too high you will fall

Today is worse than yesterday was

Children are not always innocent

There’s no such things as angels and magic and miracles

There’s a limit to what you can do.

Failing many times means you are no good

There’s no place called heaven

You have more negatives

The world will never end

Good things never happen to good people

There is nothing left to invent or discover

Death is better than life

Animals are beneath man

Love is false

Parents are problematic

Friends are better than family

Hunger is better than sorrow.

1 comment:

kermit said...

but i'd say that you shouldn't try *too* hard to change yourself. sometimes you jut have to accept yourself as you are.

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